Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Serpens (Ser)  ·  Contains:  Eagle Nebula  ·  HD168136  ·  IC 4703  ·  LBN 67  ·  M 16  ·  NGC 6611  ·  Sh2-49  ·  Star Queen  ·  Star Queen nebula
An Eagle with bad seeing and tilt (M16 in SHO with RGB stars), Dominik Weinbrenner
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An Eagle with bad seeing and tilt (M16 in SHO with RGB stars)

An Eagle with bad seeing and tilt (M16 in SHO with RGB stars), Dominik Weinbrenner
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An Eagle with bad seeing and tilt (M16 in SHO with RGB stars)



Acquisition details



First light using my new Esprit 120 with the .77 reducer.
Again: I haven't spent enough time on the tilt adjustment, but I couldn't help myself and started shooting. These shortly available summer targets and the current rare clear skies are not promoting loads of adjustment time...

I used the reduced setup as I was initially going for a wide field with the small nebula underneath M16 as well. The narration idea was to have the Eagle attack the small nebula:


After stacking, the small nebula did not come out as prominent as I hoped so I decided to crop it away.

Seeing was also not really ideal and I threw away quite a lot of subs.



  • An Eagle with bad seeing and tilt (M16 in SHO with RGB stars), Dominik Weinbrenner
  • Final
    An Eagle with bad seeing and tilt (M16 in SHO with RGB stars), Dominik Weinbrenner


Description: Re-process: Tighter crop, better deconvolution and colors

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Sky plot

Sky plot


An Eagle with bad seeing and tilt (M16 in SHO with RGB stars), Dominik Weinbrenner